Investigation of Suspended Particle Concentrations (PM10, PM2.5, TSP) in Tehran Subway Line one Stations in the Spring and Autumn

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Department of Occupational Health Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O.Box 14115_111, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Community Medicine, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, P.O.Box 14155-6135, Tehran, Iran


Today, indoor air pollution is a major concern. So far, many quantitative and qualitative studies have been conducted on particulate matter pollution in closed environments, but not much research has been done to measure air pollution in subway station. In this study, we have investigated the concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and TSP particles in 12 underground stations on the oldest and main Tehran metro line, in two seasons, autumn and spring. For sampling suspended particles, we have used a portable direct reading device for monitoring suspended-particles (HAZDUST EPMA5000). We also used Pair T- test to compare the particle concentrations in different modes of the ventilation system (on, off, and inlet air) and Three-way variance analyze. According to the results, the mean concentrations of PM2.5-PM10 - TSP values in line-1 on the station platforms are significantly higher in spring than in autumn, off state of the ventilation system than on state of the ventilation system (P <0.001). Also, the concentration of particles measured in the air of subway stations is higher in the off state of ventilation systems, compared to Inlet air to stations (P<0.001). There is a correlation between concentration of particles measured in different sampling season, condition of the ventilation mode (on, off, inlet air) (P<0.001). Improving the efficiency of ventilation systems (equipped with a suitable filter) and fan in stations is suggested as one of the factors to reduce the concentration of particles, especially in spring.


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