Document Type : Original Research Paper
Environmental Design Dept., School of Environment, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Environmental Design, School of Environment, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Green space engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering, University of Tehran
Rising threats, such as climate change, have thus far resulted in disruptions to ecosystems. Therefore, ecological resilience (eco-resilience) to absorb such distractions and maintain the capacity of ecosystems has been the focal point of numerous studies. In most cases, the characteristics of ecosystems are considered as indicators shaping this type of resilience. In this study, an alternative approach was adopted to examine the performance and outcomes of an ecosystem instead of reflecting on affective factors. Therefore, the resilience index (RI) of an urban forest park was assessed using eco-functional indicators, such as eco-volume (Veco), eco-height (Heco), bio-volume (Vbio), and eco-volume (Veco). At first, the forest park zoning was done. Then, each of the introduced indicators was calculated based on its specific parameters. Finally, the RI of the urban forest park was premeditated. The results showed that each zone with more effective Veco, Heco, and Veco gained a higher score in terms of resilience. The obtained score for RI was thus the function of the current ecological state of each zone. The study conclusions also confirmed that the outputs of the applied framework could embody the main indicators of resilience assessments (viz. thresholds, adaptive capacity, and self-organization). The application of this model on a larger scale required further studies.