Optimizing the Location of Finsk Dam through an Environmental Approach in Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Graduate Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, P. O. Box 14155-6135, Tehran, Iran


Water is vital for human survival and has been instrumental in the development of ancient civilizations worldwide. However, in the modern era, humanity grapples with the pressing issues of environmental crisis and the depletion of natural resources. To address these challenges, it is crucial to embrace sustainable practices in land and resource management, ensuring the responsible use of natural resources while safeguarding the needs of future generations. The Finsk Dam, situated on the Sefidroud River, fulfills the vital purpose of providing potable water to the cities of Semnan, Mahdishahr, Sorkheh, and Shahmirzad. Moreover, it also caters to the requirements of downstream aquifers and environmental needs concerning drinking water development. As the Finsk Dam exceeds a height of 15 meters, it qualifies as a large dam according to the International Committee on Large Dams (ICOLD). Consequently, a comprehensive evaluation of its diverse environmental aspects assumes paramount importance. Despite the projections of regional development, the construction of the dam possesses the potential to yield adverse environmental effects within the region. To address this concern, the evaluation matrix method, as endorsed by ICOLD, was employed to scrutinize the various stages of the dam's construction and operation while assessing its environmental aspects. Following technical reviews, the third option emerged as the most suitable location for the dam's construction among the four available alternatives. Additionally, three distinct pipeline routes were identified and evaluated for the transportation of water from the dam to the Semnan province, with the second option being deemed the most appropriate choice.


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