Evaluation of heavy metal contamination in sediments of the Umayo Lagoon, Peru, and the behaviour of local actors

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Research Institute of Metallurgy, Materials and Environment; National University of Altiplano of Puno.

2 Research Institute of Metallurgy, Materials and Environment; National University of Altiplano of Puno

3 Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Biotecnológica, Facultad de Ciencias Farmacéuticas, Bioquímicas y Biotecnológicas, Universidad Católica de Santa María


Multidisciplinary studies that integrate socioenvironmental aspects into the assessment of water resources contamination significantly enhance the identification of its sources. In the present study, an assessment of heavy metal contamination in sediments of Umayo Lagoon and the behavior of local actors was conducted. The concentrations of As, Cd, Cu, Hg, Pb, and Zn were determined and evaluated using international regulations. These data enabled the creation of distribution maps to pinpoint accumulation zones of different metals and suggest their possible sources of origin. The results were compared with the behavior of local actors, addressing three analytical characteristics: feelings, thoughts, and attitudes. Evidence showed contamination by As (18.11 mg/kg), Hg (0.19 mg/kg), and Cd (0.96 mg/kg), likely originating from mining activities, cheese plants, and agriculture. In terms of social aspects, intense emotions were expressed due to the presence of diseases and livestock mortality associated with metal contamination, causing anxiety and fear in the population. The incorporation of socioenvironmental aspects in the contamination assessment aligned with the physicochemical results, achieving identification of the sources of Umayo Lagoon.


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