Life Cycle Analysis of Polypropylene Product in Industry Petrochemicals in Iran

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Civil Engineering Department, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Environment, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran


Polypropylene (PP) is a widely used polymer representing over 25% of global polymer demand. However, its production is associated with significant environmental repercussions. This article presents a comprehensive life cycle assessment (LCA) aimed at evaluating the environmental ramifications associated with polypropylene production within a petrochemical complex situated in Iran. The chosen functional unit is one metric ton of PP. Employing the Impact 2002+ methodology within the OpenLCA software, the analysis meticulously computes emissions of various pollutants such as carbon and sulfur oxides, particulates, and others throughout the entire manufacturing process. The findings indicate that PP production is notably energy and fossil resource-intensive, making significant contributions to climate change and human toxicity impacts. The approximated carbon dioxide emissions surpass 12,700 kg CO2 per tonne of PP, accompanied by 86 kg of non-methane volatile organic compounds and 6.58 kg of sulfur dioxide emissions per tonne of PP. Predominantly, the most substantial impacts emanate from the feed and olefin production phases. While acknowledging the potential variability in LCA data and methodologies across diverse contexts, these initial assessments posit that the integration of renewable energy sources and lower-carbon technologies holds promise for mitigating emissions and operational costs within this particular PP production facility. Subsequent research endeavors should seek to validate these projections and rigorously assess the trade-offs associated with proposed enhancements.


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