Deciphering Environmental History through Alder Rings: Dendroclimatological Exploration

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Escuela Profesional de Ingenieria Ambiental y Forestal, Universidad Nacional de Juliaca, Av. Nueva Zelandia N° 631 Urb. La Capilla –Juliaca, Peru

2 Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Ambiental y Forestal, Universidad Nacional de Juliaca, Av. Nueva Zelandia N° 631 Urb. La Capilla –Juliaca, Perú

3 Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa

4 Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Ambiental, Universidad Andina Nestor Caceres Velázquez de Juliaca, Urbanización Taparachi Km 4.5 salida, Juliaca, Peru


Tree rings in high mountain forests represent a valuable natural archive for climate reconstructions and understanding the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems. In this context, the dendroclimatic potential of Alnus acuminata (alder) was evaluated by selecting 25 trees from seven localities in the Mantaro Valley. Computational programs such as Image-Pro Plus, COFECHA, ARSTAN, Sigma Plot, and the IAWA Standard List were utilized. Densitometry, performed with the QTRS-01X equipment using X-ray technology, provided ring width and apparent density diagrams. Seven chronological periods were identified, covering a span of 37.5 years, with the years 1960-1966, 1972-1978, and 2004-2010 showing the greatest growth, and the years 1966-1970, 1980-1986, and 1999-2005 showing the least growth. Furthermore, the alder exhibited particular sensitivity to low winter temperatures in the higher altitude sampling areas. Samples from Colpar 12-A* and Paca 10-A* showed wall thicknesses of 4.39 and 4.60 µm, respectively, attributable to low temperatures. Additionally, a significant negative correlation was observed between minimum temperature and ring width index (r= -0.38, p<0.005) from 1972 to 2008. In terms of precipitation and ring width index, a positive correlation (r= 0.26, p<0.005) was evidenced from 1949 to 2009, positively influencing its development. These findings underscore the dendroclimatic potential of the species, contributing to the understanding of climatic history and the prediction of future conditions in development areas.


Main Subjects

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