Integrative Analysis of Impacts of Environmental Pollutants and Sociocultural Effects in Urban Highway Construction

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, P. O. Box 14178-53111, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, P. O. Box 14117-13118, Tehran, Iran.


This study explores the multifaceted impacts of environmental pollution from highway construction projects in urban settings, focusing on Tehran City as a case study. Urban highway construction projects, critical for enhancing infrastructure and connectivity, inevitably bring about significant environmental and social changes. This research employs a Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) methodology to dissect the direct and indirect consequences of these projects on the urban environment and its residents. The findings reveal that construction activities substantially contribute to air and noise pollution, which adversely affect the quality of life and health of urban populations. Disturbances such as dust, emissions, and constant noise not only deteriorate air quality but also lead to a series of socio-economic issues including decreased property values and increased health-related expenditures. Additionally, the disruption of local ecosystems and water bodies exacerbates the environmental footprint, leading to a decline in biodiversity and the degradation of natural habitats. Social impacts are equally significant, with communities experiencing increased stress and disruption, which often manifest as public dissent towards development projects. This study highlights the critical need for integrating environmental management and social engagement strategies in the planning and execution phases of urban highway projects. By doing so, it is possible to mitigate negative impacts and enhance the overall sustainability of urban development projects, ensuring that the infrastructure improvements are balanced with environmental conservation and social well-being.


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