Seasonal Monitoring of Circadian Temperatures in Beach Sediments Affected by Plastic Pollution in Northeast Scotland by a not-for-Profit Coastal Partnership

Document Type : Short Communication


1 East Grampian Coastal Partnership, Aberdeenshire Council, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen, AB16 5GB. Scotland, United Kingdom

2 Aberdeen Institute for Coastal Science and Management (AICSM), Department of Geography and Environment, School of Geosciences, University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UF. Scotland, United Kingdom


Plastic pollution is an environmental hazard.  Data collected by researchers and community science organisations predominantly focuses on the presence, volume and distribution of plastics in specific species and locations. However, little attention has been paid to the effects of plastic debris on the physical properties of the environment in which it exists. In this study, we recorded in-situ, seasonal, circadian temperature fluctuations of beach sediments affected by plastic pollution at three different locations within Northeast Scotland. Results suggest that specific quantities (medium >260 - ≤2400g/m2 and high>2400g/m2 loading) of plastics increase circadian temperature extremes at a 5cm sediment depth throughout the seasons, with a daily maximum average increase of 1.5°C (medium plastic loading) 1.7 °C (high plastic loading) and a daily minimum decrease average of 1.1°C (medium plastic loading) and 1.3°C (high plastic loading) respectively. These temperature fluctuations may pose significant challenges for terrestrial ectotherms occupying these habitats with narrow thermal safety margins. 


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