A Review of the Application of Machine Learning and Geospatial Analysis Methods in Air Pollution Prediction

Document Type : Review Paper


1 GIS Department, Faculty of Geodesy & Geomatics Engineering, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, P.O.Box 16315-1355, Tehran, Iran

2 School of Built Environment, Faculty of the Arts, Design & Architecture, University of New South Wales (UNSW).P.O.Box 259, Sydney, Australia


During the past years, air quality has become an important global issue, due to its impact on people's lives and the environment, and has caused severe problems for humans. As a prevention to effectively control air pollution, forecasting models have been developed as a base for decision-makers and urban managers during the past decades. In general, these methods can be divided into three classes: statistical methods, machine learning methods and hybrid methods. This study's primary intent is to supply an overview of air pollution prediction techniques in urban areas and their advantages and disadvantages. A comparison has also been made between the methods in terms of error assessment and the use of geospatial information systems (GIS). In addition, several approaches were applied to actual data, and the findings were compared to those acquired from previous published literatures. The results showed that forecasting using machine learning and hybrid methods has provided better results. It has also been demonstrated that GIS can improve the results of the forecasting methods.


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