The geochemistry of strontium-90 in peatlands of the European Subarctic of Russia

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science, Federal Research Center for Comprehensive Study of the Arctic named after Academician N.P. Laverov, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia, Arkhangelsk

2 N. Laverov Federal Centre for Integrated Arctic Research of Russian Academy of Sciences, 109 Severnoj Dviny Emb., P.O.Box 163000, Arkhangelsk, Russia.



The subject of this research is the vertical migration of strontium-90 in peatlands of the European Subarctic region of Russia. The activity level of strontium-90 has been determined in peat samples, and the physicochemical parameters of peat deposits have been studied. The specific activity of the radionuclide has been determined using beta radiometric methods with radiochemical preparation according to the methodology. The physicochemical parameters of the peat have been determined using weight-based methods according to the specified procedures. The influence of physicochemical parameters on the vertical migration of the radionuclide in peatlands has been evaluated using correlation analysis. The results have shown that the specific activity of strontium-90 in peat deposits ranges from 0.25 to 7.7 Bq/kg. The results are consistent with typical values for all soils in Russia. The average value of the specific activity of strontium-90 in peat deposits is estimated to be 1.5±0.02 Bq/kg, which is below the established minimum values and average parameters for all soils in Russia. The pathways of vertical migration of strontium-90 in peat deposits demonstrate a downward direction with various trajectories. These pathways serve as a trace of past global atmospheric radioactive fallout. The vertical migration of strontium-90 in peat is associated with the organic matter content, ash content in peatlands, and recent local atmospheric fallout from nuclear fuel facilities. The research results provide valuable information for predicting the migration of strontium-90 into aquifers under changing environmental conditions due to the Arctic's rapid climate warming.


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