Pollution and Potential Ecological Risk Evaluation of Heavy Metals and Arsenic in Surface Marine Sediments of the Coastal Vostok Bay (Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan, Russia)

Document Type : Original Research Paper


1 A.V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, P.O.Box 690041, Vladivostok, Russia

2 Institute of the World Ocean, Far Eastern Federal University, P.O.Box 690922, Vladivostok, Russia



The pollution and potential toxicity of heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni and Co) and As in the surface bottom marine sediments of the coastal Vostok Bay in 2015 and 2020 were analyzed. Pollution and ecological risk indices were calculated by comparing the concentrations obtained with background, permissible levels and sediment quality standards (SQGs). Maximum concentrations of Cu (37.64±0.88 µg/g), Cd (0.25±0.03 µg/g), Pb (123.73±5.39 µg/g), Zn (162.58±10.31 µg/g), Ni (29.50±1.01 µg/g), Co (5.00±0.23 µg/g) and As (5.24±0.23 µg/g) were detected in the industrialized area of Gaydamak cove in the samples of 2015. Sediments from this area were characterized by moderate pollution and low level of potential toxicity for marine hydrobionts based on the calculation of mCd and TRI. The general trend of decrease in the content of analyzed pollutants in sediments is noted in 2020. Maximum content of Cu (16.17±0.38µg/g), Cd (0.27±0.03µg/g), Pb (58.62±2.55µg/g), Zn (83.14±5.27µg/g), Ni (5.81±0.2µg/g) and Co (5.00±0.23µg/g) was observed in the area of Gaydamak cove as well as in 2015. Low levels of contamination and no potential toxic effects were noted. The highest concentration of As (14.32±0.83 µg/g) was detected in sediments of Srednyaya Cove. This fact is of particular concern as this cove is part of the Integrated Marine Reserve and is characterized by high biodiversity. The results of this study allow us to conclude that the use of individual and complex indices of pollution and potential ecological risk is an effective tool for assessing the ecological status of bottom sediments. 


Main Subjects

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