Application of Electrostatic Precipitator with Electrode Distance Variation in Reducing Dust Levels in The Manufacturing Industry

Document Type : Original Research Paper


Bandung Health Polytechnic, Environmental Health Department, Cimahi. P.O. Box 40514, Indonesia


A potential hazard is anything that could potentially cause damage, accident, injury, loss, or even death due to the system or work processes. Hazards in the work environment are due to physical, biological, chemical, and psychosocial factors. One of the chemical factors hazards in the work environment that require control is the level of dust in the air environment at work. High levels of dust can cause health problems for workers. These health problems can cause dust allergies, impaired lung function, and other lung function disorders due to the dust that can eventually reduce worker productivity. Out of all industries, the manufacturing industries are usually high in dust content. During the manufacturing process, it is crucial to maintain efforts in controlling risk factors. This research aims to develop a tool that can reduce the air dust level in the industrial environment. Therefore, this study tries to apply an electrostatic precipitator with electrode distance variations to reduce dust levels in the manufacturing industry. The results of this study are the dust content reduction percentage, an electrode distance of 4 cm resulted in 52.3% to 64.9%, electrode distance of 6 cm is 35.5% to 46.7%, while an electrode distance of 8 cm is 16.6% to 26.7%. There is a difference in the electrodes effect of 4 cm, 6 cm, and 8 cm with a decrease in dust levels in the air. The most effective electrode distance in decreasing the air dust level is a 4 cm distance.


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